Family Theobald's

Why this website?

We whan't to share our memories and stories with our relatives and frends. As music and traveling are some of  our main interest's will there  be lot of  photo's and melodies! Enjoy:-)

Some nice link's

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  • Music Studio

Our music studio is based on Cubase 5 and some VST instruments. As claviatur do we have an Yamaha Grand Piano (One of Yamaha's top line instruments). We have also a TC Electronics Voice Works to handle the songs so it match into the music.

Main part of the melodies are produced on older stuff as Atari and Sound Canvas. However I will start up my music production again based on our more modern studio.
Please visit the "Music" part on this website and listen to the songs and send me feedbacks on publiced melodies. I promise to use your feedback in comming songs. 




  • Photo Gallery


Behind "Pictures" part of this website can you find memories from our lates travels and family meetings. Last pictures from Hermann are also still there (Will be there to the end of this website). There are pictures from 2005 so is it easy to be nostalgic.
Main part of the pictures are done with our Ixus 40 / 90 cameras. Some of them are done with heavier stuff as Nikon D90 or similar. One example of this is the underwater picture on this side.
To reach the more personal part of the photogallery do you need an invitation from us.











  • Blogg

This is our interactive page! On this page will we put in notes and comment's when we have some ongoing projects we want to share with you. Could be when we are out and traveling and want to send some "open" messages home to the rest of family. This page will also be open for comments for you!

We will also use this blog when we are  running music projects or professional stuff. This page is perfect to share, in a interactive way, information in a more easy and controlled way.

Copyright ® 2010  